Do you know what to do if a dog bites you, or if you are attacked by an animal? Do you know what the law says? Who is at fault? How do you proceed? We know exactly how to handle personal injury cases involving dog bites and animal attacks. The Cave Law Firm is East Tenessee personal injury attorneys and we can help you if you have been bitten by a dog or attacked by another animal. You need a dog bite attorney on your side.

The dog bite laws in Tennessee are specific and certain rules and exceptions may apply depending on the situation. This is especially true in residential, rural and commercial areas. It is imperative you contact a personal injury attorney that is familiar with dog bites and other animal attacks in East Tennessee. You may be entitled to compensation. Our attorneys are skilled and knowledgable and can help you seek compensation and prove the liability of the dog owner.
Dog bites/mauling by dogs or other animals can cause extensive injuries and the impact could be long-lasting. A dog bite could result in death in rare cases, but the majority of injuries are some sort of dismemberment, disfiguring, temporary or permanent disability, an infection that can then spread to other parts of the body and other complications. If a person is injured by a dog and has to miss work there could be a loss of wages, medical bills that will need to be paid, permanent scarring, traumatic effects and more. Do not attempt the legal process alone. Call an experienced dog bite attorney to get you the money you deserve.
If a child is bitten by a dog there could be permanent scarring, clinginess, fear, timidness or skittishness around animals. It can also affect parents and their long-term well being. It could have lasting psychological effects and we can help prove that. The Cave Law Firm has dog bite attorneys that can assist you. We provide legal counsel for dog and other animal attacks, especially in residential and rural areas.
Do not hesitate to contact a dog bite attorney and seek retribution for injuries sustained by you or a loved one from a dog bite. You are entitled to a better quality of life and should not have to struggle after a dog bite or other animal attack.
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You will find us to be zealous in pursuit of positive results and dedicated to giving clients the personal attention they deserve. If you are looking for the best Greeneville or Kingsport attorneys, look no further than the Cave Law Firm. Based in Greeneville and Kingsport, The Cave Law Firm, PLLC, represents clients throughout the Tri-Cities and Eastern Tennessee.